Sunday Morning Men's Study - 9:00am in ARK Building
Sunday Morning Biblie Class - 9:00am in ARK Building
2nd Monday's of Month - Joy of Painting - 5:30pm in ARK Building
2nd Tuesday's of Month - Joy of Painting - 5:30pm in ARK Building
BIR - Believers in Recovery - 7:00pm in ARK Building
Home Group at Hills - 7:00pm
Ladies Morning Study and Fellowship - 10:00am in ARK Building
CIA - Christians In Action - 6:00pm in Main Building
Youth Group - 7:00pm in ARK Building
Ladies Evening Study - 6:30pm in ARK Building
Aurora Home Group - 6:30pm
Men's Breakfast - 7:00am in Main Building Kitchen
These adult classes meet Sunday morning's at 9am in the ARK, the modular building segment of our church. They focus heavily on Scripture study and discussion.
Our Home Group meet at peoples homes and involve going through study books and videostogether and discussing key aspects of our faith.
BIR is a small group of individuals who meet on Tuesday Nights here at the church at 7pm. This is for people who struggle with hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Its led by Pastor Doug Marshall and Tavia Wollrobe. They meet in the ARK.
The Ladies meet two days a week in the ARK. There is a study Wednesday mornings at 10am, and a meeting on Thursday nights at 6:30pm. This group is led by Becky Nichols and focuses on Fellowship, and studying the Word of God.
This Men's only group, meets Saturday morning's at 7am here at the Church, for a fun time of food,and fellowship.
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